3 Myths About Crown Molding You Shouldn’t Believe

crown molding3Crown molding is a common feature in well-designed homes owned by people who pay attention to detail. If you have never had crown molding installed, you are likely to fall prey to myths. You can get a lot of good advice from your friends, but if you hear these three things, your friends might not be experts, though they may mean well.

Wood Crown Molding is Better Than Polystyrene Molding in Many Ways –The misconception that wood is more durable or is a better investment than polystyrene foam stems from people’s innate desire to associate old things with class and build quality. While wood was common for a long time, many home owners prefer polystyrene foam crown molding due to its durability, affordability, and customizability.

There Are Walls That Don’t Need Crown Molding – When it comes to adding a layer of beauty and detail, nothing is more effective than well-designed and installed crown molding fixtures.  Without them, walls tend to appear simple and incomplete, while with them every room exhibits a level of elegance. No matter what the wall size or height is, well-chosen crown molding is guaranteed to change the way the room looks and feels.

Crown Molding is Expensive – Many people are held back from installing crown molding because they believe it to be expensive. While that might have been true back when you needed a carpenter to personally craft your home interior, with the variety of polystyrene foam crown molding components available on the market and the low prices they are sold for, no one has an excuse to not make their home look its best.

No matter what you decide to do and whose advice you eventually take, remember these myths and don’t let them deprive you of an experience you might enjoy and treasure.




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